Digital Tayo CARE Courses

The Digital Tayo Care Courses are self-paced online courses aimed at supporting teachers and school leaders in designing Creative, Accessible, Responsible, and Enriching learning experiences and environments

Each course is aligned with outcomes in the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers and School Heads. 

Important note: Users must sign up for a Habi Plus account to access these courses. 

CARE for Teachers

Designed to equip educators with tools that they can use to help their students build skills related to digital learning and digital citizenship. 

Topics Covered:

CARE for School Leaders

Designed to empower school leaders to design enabling environments for teaching and learning about digital literacy and citizenship.

Topics Covered:

The CARE courses are currently hosted on Habi Plus until the end of 2024.  

If you want to access the courses through Habi Plus, you need to sign up for an account. Here's how to sign up for an account:

You may also upload and access these free courses on your institution's own learning management system by downloading the SCORM packages included in the Digital Tayo Teachers Resources folder after you register. 

Get in touch with your ICT officer to introduce CARE to your own learning platforms!